Some Days...

Some days are just awful. But then again those days are just part of life. The last two days for us have been a couple of those days that we'd rather forget, but then you would only get a glimpse of the best moments of our lives on this blog. Here's to "keepin' it real."

Basically, our basement sewer pump died. And we unkowingly continued to rinse, shower and flush beyond the holding tank's capacity until the toilet finally clued us in on the problem. After we mopped and cleaned that mess up we found more water on the laundry room basement floor. Hmmmmmmm.

For $120.00 the plumber let us know that there wasn't much he could do about it that day. Thank you Mr. Plumber. The good news was that it was now our Landlord's problem. Yipee!!! Unfortunately, the Landlord couldn't get to it until the next evening either.

That whole next day of waiting was worse. By then the "smell" settled in. Yep. The sewer smell. Nothing helped. The candle just made everything smell like honeysuckle crap. It was our burden to bear for the whole day yesterday until our duplex neighbors informed us that they were smelling that burden in their entire home too! It was embarrassing enough without involving the neighbors. Why God, why!? It's humbling to tell your neighbor that you're sorry for stinking up their home.

The short of it is precisely this: the Landlord was able to pump out the holding tank and replace the pump last night! And today everything downstairs is finally put away and all is clean and smelling fresh again--like regular honeysuckle. The experience wasn't fun or pretty, and we hope days like those two remain rare.

Wishing You a Wonderful Autumn Season.

We are glad the cooler weather is finally here to stay for a while.

Salsa Girl

Believe it or not, Madelyn actually enjoys the salsa & chips served at the Mexican restaurants that Mom and Dad frequent. Today, Madelyn ate this salsa with kick that made Dad's forehead sweaty.

Ah Yes, The Petting Zoo at Fall Fun Fest

Some type of horse from the African plains.

A baby donkey.

Feeding the baby camel.

Time to rest.

Little goats.

"Wanna butt heads?"


The monkeys were not available to pet :(

What's the latest BUZZ?

Grandpa Ken turns 52 years old today! Happy Birthday!

Pray for America.

"[I]f My people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Denver, Colorado

I always enjoy returning to Bronco Country. Thank you Ken & Cindy for helping us make great memories. The fresh Rocky Mountain air is so very refreshing and invigorating. Vacationing in Colorado is great fun and I'm sure we barely scratched the surface of all the things available to see and do in the Denver area. Maybe the Colorado Bar Exam is in my future?

Casa Bonita

Don't forget to eat at Casa Bonita's when you're in town!

Maddie and Grandparents at Casa Bonita.

Good food!
Live shows!

Live music!

Hiking in the Rockies

Mountain Stream.

Ken & Cindy aren't your old-fashioned, couch potato grandparents--They kicked butt on our mountain hike.

Ounce for ounce, I bet Grandma Cindy & Madelyn could out-hike any flatlander with an extra 25 lbs on their back.

Grandpa Ken...

Grandpa Ken a.k.a Grandpa Cool.

Hiding from bears & mountain lions.

Be very, very quiet.

Where's Your Nose?

"Right here. Now leave me alone."

Seven Falls in Colorado Springs

Are we there yet?

Is someone honking at me!?

Why do you keep sticking me in trees?

Seven Falls

"Grandpa, you're tall."

A big, fat, & ferocious mountain chipmunk.

Garden of the Gods

Grandma & Grandpa's Place

Madelyn likes Grandpa & Grandma's backyard.

Baby steps.

Thank you.

Madelyn shows Grandma the fine points of lawn care.

Grandma, these LOOK good...

...but the real question is--Do they TASTE good?