BAR EXAM OVER! (permanently we hope!)

Jeremiah just finished up the Bar Exam today!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm extremely exhausted; personally disappointed about my performance on day 1 (essays); optimistic about my performance on day 2 (multiple-choice today); very happy this is over; and hopeful that I achieved the 70% average needed overall.

    After one particular session had finished up yesterday, I watched a fellow, young aspiring attorney (not myself) quickly head to the nearest wastebasket with both hands covering her mouth and ... (you can guess). Maybe it was her nerves, stress, lack of sleep or the realization that she was doomed to take this exam all over again? Who knows. I'm just glad it wasn't me!

    I obviously hope that I don't have to take this particular exam again, but the experience has boosted my confidence enough for me to realize that it is very possible to PASS the exam generally and this experience has shattered the mystery, mystique and yes dread that such a legendary exam had loomed over me as is the case with most bar applicants.

    For now, I'm happy to take some Excedrin and wake up tomorrow to a new day--a day without studying!!!
