A Top Ten Magical Day!
Hello world! This website is dedicated to MYSELF, a purrfect little TORTY. But most importantly it will allow my adopted family members to share what's going on in their lives through me. So all of their friends and relatives should check here for updates every week or so! Meow for now.
Today's Verse |
You know those moments in time that quickly become special memories forever?
ReplyDeleteThis was one of those moments. Kenna got off early from work, and it was just a gorgeous Spring day that decided to sneek in during late Winter. Plus the normally shy Daffodils were out in full bloom at Regent.
So we grabbed the camera and off we went, frollicking among the flowers. Madelyn just couldn't contain her excitement as she rode around on my shoulders! What fun!
And the slight-impressionist blurring effect of the photo represents a beautiful memory!